Airsoft What Is It

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Have you ever heard of airsoft and what it is? If you haven't, then you've come to the right place! Airsoft is a type of recreational shooting game involving guns that shoot plastic or biodegradable projectiles, and it has been growing in popularity around the world since its inception in Japan in the 1980s. In this article, we will look at 8-12 topics related to airsoft, from its history to the different types of guns and safety protocols. Let's dive right in!

History of Airsoft

Airsoft was born in Japan in the early 1980s, when a group of gun enthusiasts created replica air guns that shot plastic pellets. They were looking for a way to recreate firearm fights without the fear of injuries or repercussions. Since then, airsoft has become increasingly popular around the world, particularly in Europe and North America.

Types of Guns

Airsoft guns come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. The two main types are spring-loaded guns, which require manual cocking, and electric guns (AEGs) which are powered by a rechargeable battery. Automatic electric guns (AEGs) are the most popular type, as they are able to shoot multiple rounds per second. Other types of airsoft guns include gas-powered guns, shotguns, and sniper rifles.

Safety Protocols

Safety is of paramount importance when it comes to airsoft. All players should adhere to the following safety rules to ensure everyone has a fun and injury-free experience:

Wear proper safety equipment at all times

Keep your gun pointed in a safe direction

Only fire within the confines of the designated field

Never brandish your gun in a public place

Always check the barrel before and after each game

Use of BBs

Airsoft guns use BBs as ammunition, which come in a variety of different sizes and weights. The most common size is 6mm, and BBs should weigh between 0.12 - 0.40 grams for the best accuracy. Heavier BBs are not recommended, as they can damage the gun and may cause more harm to target humans or animals.

Modes of Play

Airsoft is usually played in either "close quarters combat or "field warfare scenarios. Close-quarters combat is usually played in an indoor environment and involves two teams competing against each other in small, enclosed spaces such as warehouses or abandoned factories. Field warfare is usually played outdoors and requires players to spread out over a large area, where teams compete against each other in a realistic war zone environment.

Different Types of Games

Airsoft games come in many different shapes and sizes. Some game types include deathmatch, capture the flag, objective-based scenarios, and bomb games. Each game has its own set of rules and objectives, which you should familiarize yourself with before you play.

Care and Maintenance

As with any gun, airsoft guns need to be cleaned and maintained in order to ensure their longevity. Make sure to keep your gun lubricated, use high-quality BBs, and store your gun properly in order to ensure it is in optimal condition.

Tactical Gear

The right tactical gear is essential for any airsoft game. From protective eye-wear to tactical vests, helmets, and gloves, you'll want to make sure you have all the necessary safety items before you hit the field.


In conclusion, airsoft is a popular and fun recreational shooting game that has been growing in popularity around the world since its inception in Japan in the 1980s. In this article, we looked at 8-12 topics related to airsoft, from its history to the different types of guns and safety protocols. With the right equipment and a little bit of practice, you can join in on the funjust remember to stay safe!